Last update: August 28, 2024
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Password :
Family tree
(registered persons only)
The genealogical database contains a total of 547 surnames and 1776 persons.

Not all of this information is published on this website.
Below the overview.
Family tree
(freely accessible)
In the public part, the following
persons and/or details are held

- living persons;
- within 75 years after relation;
- within 100 years after birth
On this page you can access the family tree. On the left side the family tree which is freely accessible. To the right the family tree that is only accessible to registered persons.
This version of the family tree is freely accessible to everyone. You do not need login codes.

In the public version, the following persons and/or details are held back:
- still living persons;
- within 75 years after relationship;
- within 100 years after birth.
This version of the family tree is for registered persons only. This is for the protection of personal data of the still living persons in the family tree.

If you want full access, please contact the webmaster.
After registration you will receive a username and password.
Situation per November 7, 2018.

The family names in the offline database do not all appear in the online family tree. For questions you can contact the webmaster.