The personalia (funeral oration) of councilman Philips Josias (*1629-†1729), son of Johann Macrander.
The document concerning the change of the name Langemann into Macrander.
The document shows an apparently mistake of 100 years (1724 = 1624).
The mentioned 'Gerichtsprocurator' is Johann Henrich Martin Macrander (*1750-†1786).
Attached a copy of page 27 of a document by A. Hahn (Band III published at Arolsen, Waldeck, 3 October 1872) with a note that apparently is the publication title, submitted by Prof. Dr. Menk, researcher of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg: "Beitraege zur Geschichte der Fürstenthümer Waldeck und Pyrmont".
Herewith an extract of a publication from 1968 by Robert Wetekam about the families residing in the village of Helsen in the middle ages, including Hans and Gerick Langemann, the (plausible) grandfather and father of Arnold Langemann (Macrander).
Publication from 1964 by
Dr. Hermann Steinmetz about the officials of Waldeck in the middle ages, including Arnold Langemann.
A few pages from the book "Garbenheim 776-1976 - Ein Heimatbuch" (edited by Waldemar Küther, republished by community Garbenheim). In this book a description of the hard live of Johann Macrander (1600-1684).
Old family chronicle family Langmann-Macrander from 1707, covering a period from 1599 to 1813.
Here an interesting publication of Prof. Dr. Eckard Bernstein about German humanism and the Latinization / Grecization of names during the middle ages, with the title: "Group Identity Formation in the German Renaissance Humanists: The function of Latin".
Coat of Arms Certificate,
No. DWR 11221/09.
An example of the citizen oath dated 1793. In this oath the candidate citizen swore loyalty and obedience to the emperor and the mayor & counselmen of the city of Wetzlar. Besides duties, the citizen oath also provided rights and privileges.
An "Articul-Buch E.E. Schmidt-Zunft" (the smith guild) in Wetzlar dated 1747 with mentioning of the name Jost Philipp Marcrander (Macrander) as "spokesman" or "sixth man". The city museum of Wetzlar will be inquired about the content and the exact meaning of this book.
(E.E. = "Eine (zu) Ehrende", meaning: "an honourable")
Osnabrück region
Paderborn region
Westfalen region
Nassau region
Waldeck region
Blaeu Atlas
The historical maps below are part of the Latin edition of Willem Janszoon en Joan Blaeu’s 'Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus' which was published in the beginning of 1645.
RBS (Retroacta of the Public Records <1811) Zeddam and 's-Heerenberg (Bergh), NL
RBS 258.73.4 - 28-07-1737 (marriage proclamation)
Proclamati. 14.Julii 1. 21 dito 2. 28 dito 3. Godefrid Markrander J.M. Corporal in 't Regiment van de Heer Prins van Hessen Philipsdal. en Anna Alida Scheers J.D. alhier. met attestatie van hier te Zeddam.
RBS 270.170.7 - 28-07-1737 (marriage record)
(Den 28 Julij) Dito in den Houwijken Staet bevestigt Godefrid Maekrander J:M: Corporael in het Regiment van den Prins van Hessen Philipstal en Anna Aleyda Scheers J:D. van 's Heerenberg op attestatie van De Heer J: Van Hes Ouderling te 's Heerenberg. 1739 Den 1 Julij hier van een Extract gegeven.
RBS 262.84.3 - 13-01-1740 (baptism record)
13 Jan 1740: Baptistatus est Franciscus Joes. Parentes: Joês Godefridus Markrander et Alejda Scheers. Patrinus: Arnoldus Scheers et Hendrika Scheers.
RBS 258.87.1 - 16-11-1749 (marriage proclamation)
Proclamati. 2 November 1. 9 dito 2. 16 dito 3. Stephen van Uem geboortig te Stöckum, en Anna Aleida Scheers Weduwe van wijlen Godefried Macrander, Beijde woonagtig hier ter Stede. Copulati den 16 Novemb.
RBS 262.151.4 - 16-11-1749 (marriage record)
16 Novemb (1749): Matrimonio iungi: Stephanum van Uedem et Aleidam Scheers … Joannes Herbers et Sibilla Bergels.
RBS 262.104.5 - 22-02-1750 (baptism record)
22 feb (1750): Baptistatus est Theodorus. Parentes: Stephanus van Uedem et Aleida Scheers. Susceptores: Joannes Grotenhorst(?) et Joanna Scheers.
RBS 262.160.40 - 1764 (list of communicants)
(Communicantenlijst) 1764: Admissie Dominicas in albis. Joannes Macklander
RBS 258.104.4 - 15-10-1769 (marriage proclamation)
Proclamati. 1. Octobris 1. 8 dito 2. 15 dito 3. Franciscus Macrander J.M. te 's Heerenberg gebooren en woonagtig, en Aleida Romers J.D. geboortig te Netterden en woonende op de Spielberg onder De Parochie van Emmerik. Copulati 15 Octobris.
RBS 260.22.4 - 28-10-1781 (marriage proclamation)
Proclamati. 28 Octobris 1. 4 Novembris 2. 11 dito 3. Caspar Markrander, J.M. en Anna Sloot, J.D. Beiden te deese Stede gebooren en woonachtig. Copulati 16 Novembris.
RBS 258.115.4 - 16-11-1781 (marriage proclamation)
Proclamati. 28 Octobris 1. 4 Novembris 2. 11 dito 3. Caspar Markrander, J.M. en Anna Sloot, J.D. Beiden te deese Stede gebooren en woonachtig. Copulati 16 Novembris.
RBS - 22-08-1785 (birth record)
den 22 dito (augustus) een dogter van J. Maklander smit van seren bergh rooms
RBS - 02-01-1786 (birth record)
Aangifte van geboorne kinderen. den tweden Jandewarj Frans Manklande zyn hyjs hujs vrou van een Jonge dogter
RBS 274.157.4 - 22-01-1793 (given testimony)
Gegeven attest op 's Herenberg aan Joh. Macrander weduwnaar van wijlen Maria Hartjes wonende te 's Herenberg en Aleida Gudde JD. Uit Stokkum onder Zeddam … ontv. proclamatie.
RBS 264.8.1 - 10-10-1803 (baptism record)
1803 10 octobris Baptistatus, est Steven. Parent Joannes Macrander et Aleida Gudden…
RBS 268.2.312.1 - 11-09-1807 (marriage record)
Bovenstaande persoonen (Arnoldus Meyer en Elisabeth Macrander) Zijn op den 29 September 1807 te Zeddam Getrouwd volgens attest van … Roomsche priester aldaar.
RBS 268.2.378.1 - 27-12-1809 (marriage record)
(Onder)trouw Johan Theodor Heebing en Aleyda Gudden, weduwe van Johannes Macrander
BS (Public Records >1811)
's-Heerenberg, Gendringen and Eibergen, NL
BS - 01-09-1816
Death certificate: Frans Macrander, son of Fredrik Macrander and Aleijda Scheers.
BS - 03-03-1848
Mariage certificate: Steven Macrander and Margaretha Johanna Fonck.
BS - 16-06-1885
Marriage certificate: Stephanus Macrander and Johanna Bernardina Cornelia Hesselmann.
ORA (Old Judicial Archive), 's-Heerenberg, NL
ORA - 13-06-1764
Mandate for Frans Macrander by his mother, brothers and sisters to settle the legacy of their grandparents in Wetzlar.
ORA - 04-01-1793
Deed of property settlement because of the remarriage of Johannes Macrander and Aleida Gudden. Mentioned persons: Caspar Macrander, Albertus Hartjens, Anna Maria Hartjens, Johannis Macrander, Aleida Gudden, Elisabeth Macrander, Frederica Macrander, Maria Antonia Macrander, Arnoldus Scheers and Jan Botze.
ORA - 17-08-1796
Certificate which tells us that Johannes Makkelander (Macrander) lived two houses near the cityhall in 's-Heerenberg.
ORA - 18-06-1797
Mandate for Franciscus and Johannes by Johannes Macrander, Caspar Macrander and Joeliana Macrander, to collect the legacy of their late father Gotfried Macrander in Wetzlar.
ORA - 24-12-1800
Certificate in which Johannes Macrander is mentioned.
ONA (Old Notarial Archive), Terborg, NL
Memorandum of Succession -
The undersigned, mayor of Gendringen, declares that, insofar to his knowledge that Steven Macrander, in life smith and resided in Ulft near Gendringen and deceased over there on January 10 1887, left no goods or real estate behind, and that no by his death usufruct, fideï-commis or periodic payment is due or passed.
Patent lists 1806-1811, Bergh, NL
Patent list 1806
Attached the patent list of 1806 stating smiths, including smith Johannes (Hannes) Macrander (*ca.1747-†<1809).
A patent list or patent register is a list of practitioners of self-employment, a kind of precursor of the modern trade register of the Chamber of Commerce.
The patent was established in 1805 by Napoleon in the occupied part of Europe. Practitioners of self-employment then had to request a patent or license to be allowed to conduct their business. Of course one had to pay, before obtaining this patent.